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8 reasons you should promote referral on your homepage

Sophia King
By Sophia King — January 16, 2020 -

We’ll get straight to it: your homepage is your most powerful touchpoint. 

If you’re not promoting referral on it, you’re missing out on significant new customer acquisition, brand awareness and revenue for your business.

After all, an effective referral programme relies on being promoted in the right places, at the right time. Even the most compelling campaign isn’t going to perform is nobody sees it.

Charlotte Tilbury, Huel and Point A Hotels promote referral on their homepage. Here are 8 reasons you should, too.

It increases revenue 

60% of new customers acquired through referral come via the homepage. That’s right. 60%

Promoting referral on your homepage will almost certainly benefit your bottom line. But a word of advice: run it for as long as you can. This will not only deliver more revenue, but will mean you can accurately analyse and optimise performance for even better results. Plus it gives customers more time to return and share your brand again.

Having said that, even just a few days of homepage promotion is better than nothing. It’s likely you’ll see a boost even in that short time.

Swoon homepage promotion

Swoon promotes referral in a tile, corner-peel and USP bar on its homepage

It takes advantage of high traffic volumes

Promoting referral at touchpoints like your order confirmation page and ‘my account’ section is great, but these pages are accessible only to customers. By promoting it on your homepage, you open up the programme to everyone, significantly increasing the likelihood of people sharing your brand and driving new customer acquisition.

It’s easy to see why your homepage is such a major opportunity for driving up your referral share rate. It’s the most visited page on your website. The more people who land there, the more likely your brand is to be recommended to others.

Increase your customer conversion rate

 When visitors land on your website, you have just a few seconds to grab their attention before they check out competitor sites. 

Prominently promoting a reward can decrease your bounce rate and encourage customers to start browsing. Your referral incentive could be just the thing that converts a visitor into a loyal customer who introduces others to your brand.  

Simplisafe homepage promotion

Simplisafe promotes referral in a homepage banner

You can get creative

There are lots of different ways to promote referral on your homepage. 

The corner-peel can be implemented via tag manager and doesn’t require making changes to the homepage itself, so it’s easy to push live quickly. You can set it up with triggering rules so it pops up, for example, when a user is about to exit or has been inactive for a set amount of time.

No1 Lounges referral corner peel homepage promotion

No1 Lounges promotes referral in its homepage corner-peel 

If using a dedicated tile space, incorporate eye-catching design and copy to grab attention. We recommend positioning this above the fold where possible. 

Donald Russell homepage referral tile-2 Donald Russell promotes referral in a tile on its homepage

Even better than a tile is your homepage carousel (provided it’s not showcasing too many other campaigns). If a slot on the carousel isn’t possible, consider featuring referral in your website’s promotional strip or header. Although this touchpoint won’t include imagery, it prominently positions your referral programme toward the top of your page, alongside other brand USPs. 

Beaufort Blake homepage referral promotional stripBeaufort & Blake increased its share rate by 55% by promoting referral in its homepage header

It’s easy to integrate 

There are two main ways to implement homepage promotion: via a link to the referral landing page or via a tag. Either method can be easily followed with our integration instructions and actioned in just minutes. Yep, you read that right. Mere minutes. 

(If you’re a client, your CSM can share these instructions. If you’re not, now could be the time to request a free demo.)

It makes your brand more likely to be discovered 

The more touchpoints your referral programme uses, the more likely your customers are to remember (and act on) it. 

If you only invite customers to refer friends on the order confirmation page, there’s a good chance they’ll exit and forget about it. The Rule of Seven states that a prospect needs to see a marketing message at least seven times before they act. That’s a lot of touchpoints.

By reminding visitors of your referral programme every time they visit your website, you’re increasing the chances they’ll mention it next time your brand comes up in conversation.

Even if your products aren’t relevant for them right now, they may know someone who’s been on the hunt for that [perfect sofa/ savings account/ holiday/ complete as appropriate]. Promoting referral could be the prompt that spurs them on to share your brand to someone new.

Cox and Cox homepage referral promotion

Cox & Cox promote referral with a tile on its homepage

You can run pre- and post-purchase offers

If you’re worried about offering a generous referral incentive on your homepage to all and sundry, worry no more.

Our platform lets you offer different incentives to those seeing your referral programme on your homepage, and those seeing it on your post-purchase page. So you can keep your best offers for existing customers and test different rewards, all while protecting your margins and driving valuable new customer acquisition. 

It keeps you ahead of the competition

Here’s the clincher; promoting referral on your homepage could be the difference between a consumer choosing you or your competitor. With many brands across every sector implementing it, it’s probably time you did, too. 

Still not sure if homepage promotion is for you?

Here's how it’s increased results for other brands:

And these are just some of the great results we’ve helped clients achieve so far. 

So if you’re ready to take your referral programme (and overall revenue) to the next level, chat with your CSM. We have plenty of ideas to get you started.

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