How Emma Bridgewater built on customer loyalty to generate referrals
Emma Bridgewater, the iconic pottery maker, has been a much loved British favourite for many years, with designs which are instantly recognisable.
Customers are very engaged with the brand and they wanted to harness this loyalty to recruit new customers who would love the products just as much.
With an outsourced e-commerce platform and no experience of referrals as a marketing channel, Emma Bridgewater were keen to find a partner who not only had the technical expertise, but also shared their client centred approach.
Mention Me began working with Emma Bridgewater in 2015. They have tested referral mechanisms and a number of offers, and in just 6 months achieved an 11% increase in new customers.
Our latest case study gives more insights into Emma Bridgewater’s referral programme including:
- How the ability to AB test, without development work, resulted in dramatic results
- Which sharing options proved the most successful
- Whether referred customer proved to be as loyal as existing customers
Click here to download the Emma Bridgewater case study
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