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Courtney Wylie

Courtney Wylie
Courtney is VP of Product and Marketing for Mention Me. Helping leading eCommerce brands turbo charge their customer acquisition through fully flexible refer a friend programmes.
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Recent Posts

Why (and how) luxury retailers should get involved with Black Friday

When it comes to Black Friday, marketers tend to respond one of two ways. Either they shudder in revulsion and firmly dismiss the notion of getting involved, or they excitedly start talking about how they’re going to make this year’s sale the biggest yet.

If you fall into the first category, this blog is for you. If you fall into the second category, you’re probably better off reading our post on the 7 steps to a successful Black Friday marketing campaign.

So, back to you, anti-Black Friday marketers. 

Mother’s Day & Referral Amplification

We’re in the midst of one of the silly seasons for many retailers.  We’re referring to Valentine’s Day followed by Mothering Sunday just 6 weeks later in the UK this year.  It’s very common for businesses to develop a retail calendar with peaks and troughs in sales volume throughout their season and for many businesses Valentine’s Day and Mothering Sunday,  spark two big spikes of activity which can make or break their numbers.

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